Neobiota: Ailanthus altissima

Ailanthus altissima Simaroubaceae (Mill.) Swingle tree of heaven ECOLOGY The tree extends from subtropical dry to wet through cool temperate dry to wet forest zones. It tolerates frost and chilling winters, annual precipitation of 300-2 500 mm (tolerating a dry season of up to 8 months), annual temperature of 10-20 deg C, and pH of 5.5-8.Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle —eine vergleichend,,01.09.1987· Kowarik I. (1983): Zur Einbürgerung und zum pflanzengeographischen Verhalten des Götterbaumes (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) im französischen Mittelmeergebiet (Bas-Languedoc). —Phytocoenologia, Stuttgart-Braunschweig, 11: 389–405. Google Scholar Kowarik I. et Bōcker R. (1984): Zur Verbreitung, Vergesellschaftung und Einbürgerung des Götterbaumes (Ailanthus altissima (Mill,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle | SpringerLink,Chunpi, Cortex Ailanthi, is the dry root bark or stem bark of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae). It can be peeled off throughout the year. This officially listed herbal medicine is used as an astringent, antidiarrheic, and hemostatic agent. Keywords Stem Bark Antimalarial Activity Indole Alkaloid Root Bark Entamoeba Histolytica These keywords were added by machine and not by,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Ailanthus,Ailanthus altissima and Monterey pines (Pinus elliottii and l? radiata) were inhibited by scattering leaves of ailanthus col-lected in June and July on the seed bed surface, while leaves collected in October stimulated germina-tion and growth (22). Such studies point to a strong allelopathic role for ailanthus in forest succession.Ailanthus altissima - Götterbaum,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle: Systematik: Spermatophyta, Angiospermae, Dicotyledonae, Sapindales, Simaroubaceae: Weitere deutsche Namen: Hoch-Götterbaum, Drüsiger Götterbaum, Bitteresche: Englische Namen: China sumac, Chinese tree of heaven, stinktree, tree of heaven, varnishtree, stinking sumac, stinking quassia, copal tree, sumac tree: Herkunft : Ostasien (östlichesAilanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle –,30.06.2015· Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle is a fast-growing, light-demanding and thermophilic pioneer tree species. It grows best on nutrient-rich soils and is very tolerant to dryness and air pollution. It is mostly found in waste and disturbed areas, but can

Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle - World Agroforestry

Ailanthus altissima Simaroubaceae (Mill.) Swingle tree of heaven ECOLOGY The tree extends from subtropical dry to wet through cool temperate dry to wet forest zones. It tolerates frost and chilling winters, annual precipitation of 300-2 500 mm (tolerating a dry season of up to 8 months), annual temperature of 10-20 deg C, and pH of 5.5-8.Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle - Trees and Shrubs,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle. This species was described by Bean (B265, S69) and Krüssmann (K126). Although it makes a handsome tree, it has become well known as an invasive plant in many parts of the world. The 2.7 m (0.86 m dbh) bole of Ailanthus altissima growing as a street tree in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK. May 2017. Image Ron Kemeny. Ailanthus altissima in spring flush, aAilanthus altissima Mill. Swingle (Tree of Heaven,,Ailanthus altissima Mill. Swingle (syn. A. glandulosa Desf.) is a large deciduous tree (Fig. 1) which has been cultured since 1751. It is represented by two varieties: var. erythrocarpa Rehd. with light red fruits, and var. pendulifolia Rehd. with hanging leaves. A. alitssima, also known as the tree of heaven, has been introduced into many countries, e.g., India, Japan, and northern Australia,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle | SpringerLink,Chunpi, Cortex Ailanthi, is the dry root bark or stem bark of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae). It can be peeled off throughout the year. This officially listed herbal medicine is used as an astringent, antidiarrheic, and hemostatic agent. Keywords Stem Bark Antimalarial Activity Indole Alkaloid Root Bark Entamoeba Histolytica These keywords were added by machine and not by,Risk assessment Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle,8 Risk assessment Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle roots and less in leaves, thus enhancing rooting depth, increasing main root elongation and increas-ing lateral soil exploration (Kowarik & Säumel, 2007). This might imply that under urban conditions, trees develop their root system relatively fast and eradication becomes more difficult. Root sprouts may develop up to 15 m from the mother,Ailanthus altissima - Götterbaum,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle: Systematik: Spermatophyta, Angiospermae, Dicotyledonae, Sapindales, Simaroubaceae: Weitere deutsche Namen: Hoch-Götterbaum, Drüsiger Götterbaum, Bitteresche: Englische Namen: China sumac, Chinese tree of heaven, stinktree, tree of heaven, varnishtree, stinking sumac, stinking quassia, copal tree, sumac tree: Herkunft : Ostasien (östliches

Colonization and damages of Ailanthus altissima (Mill,

01.09.2020· Review on invasive tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) conflicting values: assessment of its ecosystem services and potential biological threat. Environ. Manag., 56 (4) (2015), pp. 1009-1034, 10.1007/s00267-015-0546-5. CrossRef View Record in Scopus Google Scholar. Stokes et al., 2002 . A. Stokes, T. Fourcaud, J. Hruska, J. Cermak, N. Nadyezdhina, V. Nadyezhdin, L. Praus.Götterbäume – Wikipedia,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle var. altissima: Sie in fast allen Regionen Chinas verbreitet und kommt nur nicht in den chinesischen Provinzen Hainan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Ningxia sowie Qinghai vor. Sie ist in vielen Gebieten der Welt ein Neophyt. Ailanthus altissima var. sutchuenensis (Dode) Rehder & E.H.Wilson: Sie gedeiht in Höhenlagen von 1700 bis 2500 Metern in den chinesischen,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle - FCBN,Biological flora of Central Europe: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 8: 207­237.-De Feo V., De Martino L., Quaranta E., Pizza C. 2003. Isolation of phytotoxic compounds from Tree­of­Heaven (Ailanthus altissima Swingle).Risk assessment Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle,8 Risk assessment Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle roots and less in leaves, thus enhancing rooting depth, increasing main root elongation and increas-ing lateral soil exploration (Kowarik & Säumel, 2007). This might imply that under urban conditions, trees develop their root system relatively fast and eradication becomes more difficult. Root sprouts may develop up to 15 m from the mother,LIFE CONTRA Ailanthus – Establishment of control of,,Ailanthus or tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) is native in eastern China and North Vietnam, where it grows as a natural component of broadleaf forests. The species belongs to the family Simaroubaceae, which includes more than 170 species of pantropical distribution, and which has no genera native to Europe. Starting from the 18th century, Ailanthus was introduced and,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle - FCBN,Biological flora of Central Europe: Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 8: 207­237.-De Feo V., De Martino L., Quaranta E., Pizza C. 2003. Isolation of phytotoxic compounds from Tree­of­Heaven (Ailanthus altissima Swingle).

Götterbäume – Wikipedia

Es gibt etwa zehn Ailanthus -Arten (Auswahl): Götterbaum ( Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Syn.: Ailanthus cacodendron (Ehrh.) Schinz & Thell., Ailanthus... Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle var. altissima: Sie in fast allen Regionen Chinas verbreitet und kommt nur nicht in... Ailanthus,First report of Verticillium wilt and mortality of,,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) swingle is a highly invasive tree that has become established worldwide, especially in the Mediterranean Basin because of its good drought resistance.Ailanthus altissima is included in the list of Invasive Alien Species of the EU, so measures for eradication and management are required. Assessment for potential biological control agents is of great interest to,Der Baum des Himmels? - Donau-Auen,Fachhochschule Eberswalde Fachbereich Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz Der Baum des Himmels? - Ailanthus altissima (MILL.)SWINGLE. Monitoring und Evaluierung von KontrollmethodenStem-injection of herbicide for control of Ailanthus,,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (fam. Simaroubaceae) in Sicilia e cenni storici sulla sua introduzione in Italia (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (fam. Simaroubaceae) in Sicily and historical remarks on its introduction in Italy). Naturalista siciliano S. IV, 36 (1): 117-164. GscholarAilanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Especie Exótica,,Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle NOMBRE COMÚN: Ailanto, árbol del cielo. TAXONOMÍA: Phylum: Magnoliophyta. Clase: Magnoliopsida. Orden: Sapindales. Famil-ia: Simaroubaceaceae. DISTRIBUCIÓN GENERAL NATIVA: China. NOTAS SOBRE LA AUTOECOLOGÍA DE LA ESPECIE Y PROBLEMÁTICA ASOCIADA A SU INTRODUCCIÓN Es un árbol de rápido crecimiento, cuyas hojas y corteza tienenCitizen Science as a Tool in Biological Recording—A Case,,heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) [5] and beach vitex (Vitex rotundifolia L. f.) [6]. In some cases, invasive species were introduced in an attempt to control other invasive species—for example, several species of mongoose [7]. On the other hand, some species are imported to different places intentionally, but released by mistake—these include Caulerpa taxifolia (M. Vahl) C,

Oviposition Behavior and Distribution of Eucryptorrhynchus,

It often co-occurs with E. brandti (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cryptorrhychinae) on a single host Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (tree of heaven). (2) In this study, to explain the coexistence of the two weevils on a single host, we investigated the oviposition behavior of E. scrobiculatus and oviposition sites of E. scrobiculatus and E. brandti under afield and laboratory conditions. (3,,,,,,